This is pretty funny. Nice use of the sound bites there. The music behind it is good as well, though not as clear as your newer stuff.
This is pretty funny. Nice use of the sound bites there. The music behind it is good as well, though not as clear as your newer stuff.
Thanks homes
It's fuggin awesome.
Really energetic.
So is this all you? The drums are real, no?
This is a recording, everything's real.
Pretty good!
I thought I was listening to No Use For a Name.
I love the break neck pace. Amazing guitar work. All the different layers mesh really well.
The drums sound really fake, especially the snare drum when it's hit in rapid succession.
No matter, it's awesome.
other than it being a drum machine. yeah they sound pretty fake. i would hate to have a real drummer sound like a drum machine. grr
It's awesome! Drums sound a little quiet most of the time. Especially during the fast part. It sounded like the volume of the snare was changing every hit. Did you do that to add realism?
Anyway good work.
Thx dude! yeah i added some realism in it by making the hits a little randomized a bit. but thx again for the review! \,,/
Haha, I opened your profile while I was listening and that guy was headbanging perfectly.
Anyway, the song is pretty sweet. It's a bit disjointed and simple, but it's still a lot of fun.
lol actually I am an alt, can you guess who's? There's a BIG hint in the profile =P
Or maybe you never saw the main account...
Actually I like the metalness of this one better.
haha, cool cheers mate! I'll make this a full song one day.
Man this is really great. The vocals sound awesome, and the half-steps give it at least a little edge.
Yeah it's poppy, but what can I say. I like it.
If you like it, you better do what's right and check out the new CD. it's at www.myspace.com/finalround
If you like it buy it! we need the money, so we can buy food, and not die!
That is...
really impressive. :0
thanks, ill have new shit up soon
Age 39, Male
Joined on 7/6/02